The first event was the ball bounce she had 53 bounces in 30 seconds.
The next event she was in was the jump rope event. She got a little discouraged with this one but she had fun. I filmed her with the digital camera and forgot that you can't turn it sideways when filming. In the screen it turns it the right way but not when you upload it, so sorry for the sideways picture.
After the jump rope was the 50 yard dash. I was so busy trying to get it on film that i didn't see who won. Next time I'll have to film from the finish line so I can see the results.
I almost missed filming Kelsi's run in the class relay because I was busy watching the race. Her class did great. They won!
Kelsi ended up with two 1st place ribbons and a 5th and 6th place ribbon. One first place was for the class relay and one was for the ball bounce. The 5th and 6th place were for the jump rope and the 50 yard dash but I am not sure which one was for which. She did great and we are so proud of her.
Shaylee had fun watching, running around and playing in the dirt.
Courtney was really good but she got tired toward the end. She ended up falling to sleep in the stroller for awhile. She was a real trooper.

Afterward we got some lunch at the Eaglesroost (a snack bar by the school). Eagleburgers, french fries, a hot dog and snow cones. It was great fun!
How fun!! I remember our track meets from way back when! The circle of life, huh!
Way to go Kelsi, She was so cute to watch. I am glad that she did so well I figure she would get something for the ball bounce. YEAH KELSI!!!!!!
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