Saturday, April 25, 2009

Erythema Multiforme

You may be asking yourself what is erythema multiforme. Well you can read more about it at or dozens of other sites but basically in Courtney's case it is a bad reactions to amoxicillin, and that is what we have been dealing with for the last week and probably will continue to for the next week. Hopefully no longer then that. Here is the story. Last Saturday Courtney started breaking out into red spots we thought maybe she was having an allergic reaction to an otter pop(red dye) we let her try. We called the doctor and he said if she was breathing fine we didn't need to worry but to watch her and give her Benadryl. We proceeded in that way. The spots didn't go away completely with the Benadryl but overall see seemed to be happy. Later that night she got a little fussy and she threw up a couple of times. Once again we called the doctor he basically said the same thing as before so we put her to bed and all seemed to be well for the moment. The next morning she was looking quite a bit better and we thought she was doing pretty good. We gave her the last dose of a ten day cycle of amoxicillin, not knowing that was what caused the problem. Within a couple of hours she was miserable. The spots had come back worse and her hands and feet were swollen. They were so bad that if you barely touched her feet or hands she would cry. That was when we decided it was time to see a doctor. We went to the ER, where they actually got us in to see a doctor fairly quickly. At the ER they gave her Benadryl and a steroid to help get the swelling and rash under control. They also ran a urine sample test. After four hours of waiting and testing I was told that she had a severe urinary tract infection and erythema multiforme because of the amoxicillin. They gave her a shot of a different type of antibiotic for the urinary tract infection and after watching to make sure she didn't have bad reaction to it, we were on our way home.
We were surprised about the amoxicillin being the culprit because she had been taking the amoxicillin for 9 days for an ear infection before she had the initial reaction. She had even taken it a couple of months ago for an ear infection and never had a problem. I guess it isn't uncommon for this the happen though.
The first four pictures of the spottiness and the swollen red ankles and feet were taken Sunday after we got home from the ER. She was looking better than she did before we went to the ER. Poor baby.
Throughout the week she has been to see the doctor twice and has been taking Benadryl to sooth the symptoms. All we can really do is is treat the symptoms and wait for it to clear up on its own.
Each day she seems to be getting better. Last night she had a breakout but it was different than the initial one. She had bigger areas of skin that were pink with small raised bumps and a few welts(the last picture shows on her back one of the bigger ones she has had). The breakouts usually don't last very long. Today she has had a couple of breakouts but overall she is looking better every day. We look forward to her not having any more breakouts.
The last three pictures were taken yesterday evening when she had a breakout.
For now she will not be given anymore penicillin type antibiotics. We are grateful it was not more serious and look forward to her being all better.


Nora said...

Wow. The twins broke out in rash a couple weeks ago and I thought it was allergy to grass or weeds they had been crawling in. I thought it might have been fifths disease. Anyway...The faux vinyl is actually fabric. I ironed freezer paper onto the fabric then taped the printout to it for easier cutting. Then you just paint liquid starch under and on top of the fabric and stick the fabric on the wall. It is completely removable and perfect for rentals or apartments or dorms. I guess I like the satisfaction of doing it myself and not having to pay a lot of money when I can get the same look. We need to put each others e-mails into instant messenger. I don't know if you ever use it but it would be a great free way for us to talk more often. I do that with Bill while he is at work all the time. Helps to keep us close.

*Amy * said...

So sorry you guys had a scare! Apparently I did something similiar with penicillin when I was a baby and am severely allergic to all deritives of penicillin. I am so glad you guys know of her allergy and nothing severe happened to her but it was scary nonetheless. Glad she is home. She is so cute! There are many alternative antibiotics. I know, I am one of those too who always has to have something weird. Just make sure she knows of her allergy from early on, I always did and it saved me many a time when people tried to give me medicine. So many things have penicillin or some deritive because it is the main drug they use. Glad they figured it out though, those pictures make me sad with her swollen little feet!:(

Melanie said...

Oh, no! I am so glad things are looking up! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Courtney! She looks good now for going through that this week. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Give her a little squeeze for me.

amy and luke said...

I am glad that Courtney is doing better. Hey just so you know Aubrey wears that dress you got her. My mother in law got them those other dresses for Easter so I knew that you would understand that we didn't wear yours for Easter.

The Gila Valley Temple