Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

I know there are probably a million blogs showing cute kids dressed up for Halloween so here is ours among those million.

Courtney our little Pumpkin
Shaylee as Mulan
Kelsi as a cowgirl

The girls really had a fun time. We went to the carnival at the school where they had a "Trunk or Treat" and fun games and prizes for the kids. Kelsi, Shaylee and a friend of Kelsi's, Britney, all wanted to go in the haunted house so we got in the line to go in while Britney's mom watched Courtney in the Stroller. As we got closer and closer to the door the girls got more and more nervous. When we got about half way there from our starting point. Shaylee decided she was not so sure about this and she went over with Courtney. We continued on through the line and when we got to front they let the people in front of us go in and Kelsi heard someone scream and she quickly said "I'm not going" and walked over with Shaylee and Courtney. So I ended up going through with Britney. It wasn't to scary for me but it would have scared Kelsi and Shaylee both. And the last thing I was going to do was make them go in. I did get a little startled once when someone grabbed my ankle. After the carnival we went to the park for our ward party where we ate hamburgers and hot dogs and had another "trunk or treat." We didn't stay there long because Courtney was quickly letting us know that it was past her bedtime and she had enough Halloween fun. I'll post more pictures later.


*Amy * said...

How cute! Our boy is really scared of most of it. He even got scared at the story hour for the little kids at the library. I think they are better off to stay as innocent as they can for as long as they can so it's a good thing they backed out huh? Sounds like a good time!

J-mama said...

I love it! How cute is Kelsey! I love Shaylie's Mulan...and of course Courtney makes a perfect chubby pumpkin!!

Anonymous said...

Your girls look adorable; I love their costumes. Your family is absolutely beautiful.

Jessica said...

Your girls look so cute in their costumes! I love Courtney as the pumpkin!

The Gila Valley Temple