Thursday, July 31, 2014

Spa Day

61g-ykUFj0L._SL300_     I found this fun find yesterday at a local bookstore for $1.  Shaylee started reading it right away.   Shaylee has been fascinated with spas, massages pampering 082and all it entails for a while now so this book was right up her ally.  It has fun recipes and ideas for having  a Beauty Spa at home.  The wheels started turning and she planned a spa day for us girls for today. 

    Shaylee started out by giving us facials with a mask made of honey and banana.  It was a little chunky but actually felt pretty good in the end.  If you ask Courtney and Kelsi they will even tell you that it tasted pretty good too. 

080083     085081     Even mom got in on the action.089090

     While the banana and honey face mask did it’s magic we took turns with a foot soak in warm water, lemon juice, sea salt and marbles to massage our feet with.  Shaylee also scrubbed our feet and then massaged lotion on them.  099102   105   106

     After the foot soak we washed the mask off our faces and came back for a110 hand massage.  Shaylee did a great job.  She even had music playing and magazines for us to read if we wanted to.  I wouldn’t be surprised if some day she ends up working at a spa.


    We then returned the favor and gave Shaylee the spa treatment.  Courtney was quick to jump in and help out.  112113114     We even did a little makeup after wards.  I feel it was a fun successful spa morning.  Shaylee couldn’t stop smiling.

    While I was giving her a hand massage she started to get a little emotional.  I asked her what was wrong.  She said nothing except that it meant a lot to her that we did this with her today.  She is such a sweet girl and I am grateful that we could make her day by playing spa with her.    

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

100th day of School


Kindergarten has been so fun for Courtney this year.  It is awesome that they get to do fun things like dress up like an 100 year old on the hundredth day of school. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Love the View!


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One thing I love about where we live is the view.  Right out our front door we have a wonderful view of Mt. Graham.  Being in Arizona we also get some amazing sunsets.  Now if you combine the two it is just amazing! 

The Gila Valley Temple